Bill 124 Salary
Adjustment Calculator
This calculator is designed to estimate differences in earnings over a 10-year period by comparing the UW 1% scale adjustment to inflation, and the deals that the Queen’s University Faculty Association and Trent University Faculty Association negotiated.
Editor's note: The calculator has been updated to reflect the latest adjustment, which was announced in a memo on May 29, 2023. The wording of the adjustment is not quite clear, so we are using 4% as an estimate of the UW increase for faculty hired before 2021 and 3% as an estimate for faculty hired after 2021. Although we are not certain, we are fairly confident that this reflects the proposed adjustment within a reasonable margin of error.
How It Works
From Year 1 (2021-2022) when Bill 124 first came into effect at UW to Year 3 (2023-2024), we use the actual inflation rates and the actual scale increases negotiated at Queen’s and Trent for those years. From Year 4 to Year 10, we hold inflation and the scale adjustments constant at 2% across the board. This is to isolate the long-term effects of the present scale adjustments.
Using the default values as an example, suppose that a faculty member earns $120,000 in annual salary and has an average merit score of 1.5. For this model, we assume that the merit increase for a score of R=1 is $2500 (this is hard-coded in so you don’t need to worry about this value). Generating values, we see that over a 10-year period:
At UW, this faculty member would earn $1,573,389.14 if they were hired before 2021.
At UW, this faculty member would earn $1,559,485.75 if they were hired after 2021.
If the scale adjustment were indexed to inflation, the faculty member would have earned $1,637,375.04, a difference of (i.e., more than) $63,985.90 compared to UW ($77,829.29 more than new hires at UW).
If the faculty member had gotten the adjustments from Queen’s University, they would have earned $1,617,587.80, a difference of $44,198.66 with UW ($58,102.04 more than new hires at UW).
If the faculty member had gotten the adjustments from Trent University, they would have earned $1,589,839.57, a difference of $16,450.43 with UW ($30,353.81 more than new hires at UW).
Final Thoughts
The key message is that differences in scale adjustments of just a few percentage points can, over time, translate into significant differences in earnings. Consider what you could do with an extra $16k, $44k, or $64k over 10 years: pay off your mortgage sooner; pay for childcare; pay for tuition; put it in a savings account; invest it.
It’s worth noting what the 2023 UW adjustment would need to be to be roughly on par with the other adjustments:
9.25% to match inflation
7.65% to match Queen’s
5.5% to match Trent
Finally, we note with dismay that new hires in particular are done a disservice. Since salary differences compound over time, a small percentage difference now translates into non-trivial lost earnings down the line.
We encourage you to plug in your own salary and merit scores and click “Generate” to see how your 10-year earnings would compare. (Note: Your data privacy is important to us. Information from the calculator is not sent or saved anywhere. All the calculations are done using javascript operating locally on your browser.)
Your data privacy is important to us. Information from the calculator is not sent or saved anywhere. All the calculations are done using javascript operating locally on your browser.