Want to meet fellow Lecturers? A friendly reminder that the last of three "Lecturers on Lunch" events is scheduled this Friday, August 11th at 1:00 p.m. in the Grad House.
The discussion topic is: Do Lecturers do Research?
Do you conduct research or would you like to? How does research work in your unit? Come join us and meet fellow Lecturers who are concerned about conducting research and engaging in scholarly activity within teaching-intensive faculty appointments at UW.
Lecturers Connect members in attendance will include:
Allyson Giannikouris (Faculty of Engineering)
Rania Al-Hammoud (Faculty of Engineering)
Su-Yin Tan (Faculty of Environment)
Tom McFarlane (Faculty of Science)
and others!
Even if you're not interested in discussing research, please join us for lively conversation and getting to know fellow Lecturers. This is our last social event this summer and before the start of Fall term!
Please also keep up-to-date with our latest blog on: Blog 124 - Afterthoughts
And most importantly, consider becoming a member of the University of Waterloo Teaching Stream Faculty Association (WatTSFA) by signing a card here.